Bank account opening
Bank Boutique provides international clients corporate bank account services in their preferred jurisdictions. After initial meeting to asses business requirements and your business, our team of experts will advise on suitable banks and jurisdictions.
Bank Boutique takes care of all aspects and no branch visit required for fully executing bank account for your digital bank.
Opening a Safeguarding account
Bank Boutique provides a safeguard account opening, which main function is to separate client money from operational funds and to block the access to this money by third parties. A safeguarding account – is a special account set up with a Bank in which PIs and EMIs hold customers’ money. A safeguarding account is the mandatory requirement to obtain your payment or EMI license.
Nostro account
Bank Boutique provides a Nostro Account opening, which is used to hold foreign currency in another bank. Nostro accounts are always denominated in foreign currencies and it helps to easy and fast disposal of export bill because the beneficiary bank can ask to the buyer’s bank to deposit the funds to its Nostro Account with the other bank.
Loro account
Bank Boutique provides a Loro Account opening, which means that Loro Account is a Nostro Account of one domestic bank who opened with a foreign bank and become Loro Account for other bank who take advantage to collect their funds. Loro account helps in the situation when a domestic banks use the Nostro Account of third party banks to settle down his foreign exchange transactions.
Multi-currency IBANs
Ability to issue own IBAN account to the registered clients. The IBANs are released on demand and can be reserved via API or manually via the Online Banking portal.
SWIFT transfers
Gives the ability to initiate and receive international transfers sent via the SWIFT global payment network. The SWIFT global payment network is one of the largest financial messaging systems in the world. With integrated partners, users can send or receive over 30 currencies via SWIFT payment.
SEPA transfers
Having direct access to SEPA will allow users to make cashless euro payments – via credit transfer and direct debit – to anywhere in the European Union, as well as a number of non-EU countries, in a fast, safe and efficient way.
If you want to learn more about licenses and jurisdictions click the button below.
wide-range solutions for your business
banking services
Bank account opening
B2B account
Safeguard account
Nostro account
Loro account
Active SWIFT
Active SEPA
Passive SWIFT
Passive SEPA (Virtual IBANs)

Bank Boutique provides different banking services, such as bank account opening, B2B account, passive and active SEPA, etc. Furthermore, we also offer legal, branding, accounting, IT and other accompanying solutions.